Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am in a Cartoon

ncomment, a webcomic focusing primarily on social networks such as Digg, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube, published a strip War 1/3. The strip starts with introducing the Digg community and to my great satisfaction I have my own building in the community. I had to zoom the picture a bit.

Since I use my own picture instead of a cool avatar, you probably can't find me there. That is why I had to take these captures so you could see it.

The comic is cool and I cannot wait for the rest of the series but I think people who are not familiar with Digg and Reddit don't really get the fun out of it. Anyway, check the wonderful work here.

I am impressed!

1 comment:

Laurel LaFLamme said...

Leena, you have the neatest adventures! Not many people in our society randomly end up in cartoons. That is so cool!

I think that's the most amazing thing about the social makes our world just a little bit smaller when you can share pieces of your life with your neighbors far and wide; and we are ALL neighbors because we share the planet together.

Congrats on the cartoon - put it up on your fridge for a bit (I would).